Known for their innovative programming, the McCain Duo (Artina and Martin) present programs of rhythmic, musical and colorful artistry. The marriage of bass trombone and piano is a dynamic pairing providing repertoire of wide versatility and variety for the concert venue.
The McCain Duo has multifaceted careers as performers, recording artists, educators and arts entrepreneurs. The duo performs nationally and internationally at festivals, concert series and universities. Recent highlights include performances at: Zagreb Brass Festival, Hong Kong Radio Television, The Great American Brass Band Festival and American Trombone Workshop. Their recordings have been broadcast in China, Arizona, Texas, Chicago and Canada.
In addition to their performing careers, the duo has a passion for commissioning new works by emerging contemporary composers. Their program Raise the Bar, brought professional concerts to over 1,000 youth throughout Texas. The duo recently received Global Music Awards medals for the CDs Shades and Trombone Czar.
Dedicated educators, Dr. Martin McCain is a Professor of Trombone at Texas State University and Dr. Artina McCain is an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Keyboard Studies at the University of Memphis. The McCain’s also serve on the faculty for the Austin Chamber Music Festival and the PRIZM Ensemble International Chamber Music Festival.